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O'Reilly Short Cuts: Get Up And Running With Dojo [EN]

Since the birth of AJAX approach, it was clear the need for infrastructure to facilitate and to put order in the development of Web 2.0 Application. DOJO is a framework that combines a development environment, strongly inspired by Object Oriented Design,and the presence of powerful and flexible Widgets to create dynamics UI.
Data di stesura: 07/12/2007
Data di pubblicazione: 10/12/2007
Ultima modifica: 10/12/2007
di Stefano Fago Discuti sul forum   Stampa

O'Reilly Short Cuts: Get Up And Running With Dojo [EN]
O'Reilly User Group

In this Tecnical Paper is made an overview on what are the main concept involved in develop UI with DOJO, with a decidedly technical approach that does not sacrifice understanding and effectiveness.

The document presents a valid structure, which leads the reader from the theoretical aspects up to achieving a comprehensive Widget.

Emphasis is placed on Objects Oriented style of development and differences between strongly typed languages and Javascript. Every important lesson concludes with a summary that puts HotSpot on the relevant details.

It runs fairly smoothly although the reader requires technical preparation.

Few are references to external lessons: it would have been better to have references on each chapter.

The text is interesting and will certainly be a desire to purchase the main book on the DOJO framework.

Informazioni sull'autore

Stefano Fago, classe 1973. Diplomato in ragioneria, ha conseguito il Diploma di Laurea in Informatica con un progetto legato alle interfacce grafiche soft-realtime in Java. Dopo esperienze in Alcatel ed Elea, ha svolto attività di consulenza come Software Developer e Trainer alla ObjectWay S.p.A. sede di Milano. Attualmente Software Designer presso la sezione Innovazione e Attività Progettuali di BPU Banca. Appassionato del linguaggio Java e di tutte le tecnolgie Object Oriented. Polistrumentista dilettante.

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  1. O'Reilly Short Cuts: Get Up And Running With Dojo
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